Effects of the Uncertainty about Global Economic Recovery on Energy Transition and CO2 Price
Security of Energy Supply in Europe
Climate and Electricity Annual 2011: Data and Analyses
Making Sense of Climate Change: How to Avoid the Next Big Flood
World Shale Gas Resources: An Initial Assessment of 14 Regions Outside the United States
España ante el reto de la seguridad energética
Informe FAES ‘Propuestas para una estrategia energética nacional’
The local dimension of energy
Public support for the financing of RD&D activities in new clean energy technologies
Public Support for the Financing of RD&D Activities in New Clean Energy Technologies
Smart Cities Initiative: how to foster a quick transition towards local sustainable energy systems
Análisis de la evolución de la intensidad energética en España
What´s next for alternative energy?
Una agenda de crecimiento para España
Is there a case for the EU to move beyond 20% GHG emissions reduction by 2020?
Energy Efficiency in China: The Local Bundling of Interest and Policies
COALMOD-World: A Model to Assess International Coal Markets until 2030
Ethanol Production, Food and Forest
Reflexiones sobre el modelo del sector eléctrico
CO2 Highways for Europe: Modeling a Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage Infrastructure for Europe